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Kelly Bonneval-Cox-FKelly Bonneval-Cox

Role at CtK: Youth Mission Leader
Joined CtK: January 2022
Interesting fact: The only peak in Snowdonia I haven't climbed is Snowdon.
Can be mostly found doing: 
Passionately building up the faith of the teenagers and young adults at CtK. I lead our Friday night youth group and our Sunday night Bible study with a fabulous group of volunteers. Alongside that I am both a member and a supporter of our young adult ministry. I am currently reflecting on what our young people and young adults need to refill them after two years of irregular and virtual contact with church. 
Anything else they'd like to mention: 
I am married to Marshall, who is one of the guitarists in the evening worship band. We love board games and quizzes, the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Harry Potter, music, cooking and building strong and meaningful relationships with the people around us.