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Who are we?

A community of disciples on an adventure together of becoming more like Jesus and helping others do the same.

Why do we exist?

To go:

  • Deeper in our Devotion to God
  • Closer in our Connections with One Another
  • Further on our Frontlines with the Good News

 What guides how we do things?

  • Being ONE in Christ, sharing Unity amidst Diversity
  • The TWO Wings of Word and Spirit, maintaining the two in balance for level flight
  • THREE Interactions with God’s Missional Love: with the Father who sent his Son; with the Son who sent us; and with the Spirit who equips us as we are sent
  • FOUR Commitments: to Belong, Pray, Serve and Give
  • FIVE Points of a Growth Spiral: Receive, Respond, get Repaired, get Resourced, take Risks

 We endeavour to live this out by:

  1. Creating a Culture in which Disciples make Disciples.  None of us is the finished article, for we all have more steps to make towards Christlikeness, and church is about helping one another along that journey.

  2. Prioritising Encounter with the living God.  When we meet with God we are changed, and so we have an expectation, whenever we meet, that we will meet with him by his Spirit.

  3. Facilitating and Encouraging Connections.  Whether we meet in study groups, prayer gatherings, ministry teams, at meals or over a coffee, each is an opportunity to enrich the Body.   

  4. Offering Exceptional Welcome.  We want people to feel at home with us, whether they are making tentative explorations towards the Christian faith or moving from elsewhere.  This isn’t just a smiling face at the door, but also a commitment to help them settle in and find where they ‘fit’.

  5. Structure for Growth and Continuity.  We encourage all ministry areas to think in terms of growth and multiplication.  We intend to increase the size of our buildings in order to facilitate further growth, and also aspire to be a planting church.   

  6. Living with Purpose on our Frontlines.  We encourage all members to be intentional about how they live out their Christian life.  As a church we are always looking to find different ways in which we can engage with the community around us.