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Alpha is very relaxed and friendly.  Most people who come on Alpha simply want to explore about faith and get some answers.  Maybe you picked up a bit of knowledge earlier in life from school or a friend.  Maybe something has happened in your life that's made you wonder if there is a God.  What's he like?  Where does my life fit into all this?  How am I supposed to pray?  If there is a God how come there's so much going wrong in the world?  All kinds of questions come up and as the weeks go by we piece together the answers.
We are all on a unique life journey.  On Alpha we meet up and "walk" together for a while, exploring a new relationship with God.  It can be life changing.  Alpha lasts about 3 months.  We usually find that by the end people want to keep meeting!  If you do, Christ the King has lots of friendly small groups called "Life groups" which meet regularly and look after each other and help people grow as Christians.  Sometimes people go on Alpha and find it interesting and helpful but don't want to take it any further for now.  That's fine too.   
If you'd like to find out more, or would like to come to Alpha, email John Burdett at or call him on 07535 300905.