Kingsman is the name for the Men's Ministry at CtK and is open to ALL men. If you have never been to one of our activities then why not give it a try? It would be great to have you join us. Everything we do is aimed towards either building closer relationships with each other, learning together to deepen our relationship with God, or sharing what we have with our families, friends and colleagues.
Men's Breakfast
Our monthly breakfasts usually happen on the last Saturday of each month from 7.45am to 9.30am and include bacon and/or sausage rolls with tea/coffee/juice. A healthier option of yoghurt and fruit is also available. After we have eaten together we have a short time of worship followed by a talk or DVD series which we can then discuss and learn from as a group. Prayer opportunities are also available. Every other month some of us head off for a walk to burn off our breakfast!

Kingsman is led by Andy Hotchin. If you would like to be included on emails that keep you up to date with all we do, you can contact Andy on or call/text him on 07733 484953
You can also search for us on Facebook with “Kingsman CtK Men’s Ministry” or Flipboard with “&included”. Or text Andy to ask to join our WhatsApp group.