HOPE (Helping Older People Engage) is the umbrella name for all the activities that take place at Christ the King for older people in Kettering. We extend a warm welcome to men and women who want to find friendship whilst having fun, through all the regular events detailed below. The main HOPE co-ordinator is Sue Hare, who can be contacted via the CtK office on 01536 517533, or by email at office@ctk.org.uk.

Friendship Club
Friendship Club meets every Tuesday (except 2nd Tuesdays - see below) from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm (except August). Each week we enjoy tea and cake together and engage with a variety of speakers and activities. Come along on a Tuesday or for more information, please contact Joan Buxton via the Church Office (01536 517553 or office@ctk.org.uk).
Luncheon Club
On the second Tuesday of each month there is an opportunity for anyone linked with HOPE to share a meal together with friends, with a band, speaker or activity. For more Information please contact Sue Hare via the Church Office.
Rendezvous is a week-long period of activities and outings in July, a kind of holiday club for the older generation. Keep an eye on the Latest News or Church Calendar for more information.