Our Children and Families work is headed up by Jo Batch, who joined us in 2017 bringing a wealth of experience in schools' work and children's ministry. She is a gifted puppeteer who always has a big smile and a warm welcome for everyone who visits one of the activities she leads.
To find out more about Jo visit the staff and leadership area
Children’s Life Groups
We offer groups for children of all ages at our 10.00am Sunday morning services. These groups are an opportunity for the children to grow in their own faith in Jesus and to build good relationships with their peers and the adults who lead the groups. Each session includes fun, games, snacks, drinks and activities on a biblical theme. The whole family begin the service together for the first 20 minutes and then the children go to their groups for about an hour, returning for the final few minutes of the service.
Fridays at CtK
Fridays at CtK has two groups for junior aged children and young people and it offers activities, craft, games and special themed evenings for children from the church and the local community.
Our group for age 5 to Year 2 runs from 5.00pm until 6.00pm.
Our group for Year 3 to Year 6 runs from 6.15pm until 7.15pm.
All children are welcome to come and join in the fun, make new friends and encounter Jesus’ love for them.
Little Life
Little Life parent-and-toddler group offers a friendly welcome to everyone who cares for young children, from birth to school age, within the local community. If you would like to join one of the sessions please book in via the church calendar CLICK HERE or pick the link below.
The cost is £1.50 per family per session with snacks included. We run during term-time only and offer additional events for the whole family at other times.
If you have any questions about our programmes, or want to know more
about bringing your children along on a Sunday, then please fill in our
Contact form.