Monday 3rd March 2025
John spoke on Sunday (after the now traditional visit to his garden 😉) about the importance of receiving the Word of God through the Bible not only for ourselves as individuals, but also receiving it as “church”. The Spirit of the Lord is in us as we come together as church and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom – freedom to enter into our forgiven relationship with God, and to walk together in relationship with each other. In this freedom we are children of the same Heavenly Father, free also to explore how to serve God in the inspiration and empowering of the Holy Spirit. With these freedoms we are being transformed into the image of God – whose character is love.
Looking at Ephesians 4:15-16, we are reminded of the importance of ligaments in holding the body together. We all in the church have a part to play as each ligament – “each part does its work”. Our church needs more “ligaments” as we move forward, and our prayer is that we will know the Holy Spirit “thrumbing” (to use John’s words) through our church family, bringing love and encouragement, and transforming us into his loving, connected family – the “good soil” which is a beautiful church where new life flourishes.
Lord, we each pray about our role at CtK. Help us by your Spirit to be keyed in as vital ligaments of God’s church here. Let us together be transformed into your image and do wonderful things for you.
On another note, have you planned how you will get to CtK on Sunday 9th March – taking account of various road closures due to the Kettering half-marathon? See the note in the attached newsletter.
Have a good week