Rick and Janette Brown

Rick and Janette work full-time with the international mission Agapé France and have been in Liverdy-en-Brie (just to the east of Paris) since the early 1980s. Their son Paul, works as a mechanical engineer west of Paris.
Agapé France is an evangelical mission seeking to reach people with the gospel through students, churches, artists, the internet, immigrants and family life ministries. The word ‘Agapé’ translates as ‘unconditional love’. The need for this work in France is clearly shown by the statistic that just over 1% of the population is evangelical Christian.
Janette is on the National Leadership Team of Agapé France, in charge of Operations, including Finances and Human Resources, serving over 80 staff across 5 cities. She also works with Rick to run couples seminars.
Rick directs ‘Agapé Famille’ which is a couples and families ministry, involved in reaching out to non-believers through the life-issues found in marriage and family. They also encouraging and building up Christian couples to be salt and light where they are. This is done through couples’ seminars, special events, workshops, and couples’ group materials. Rick also trains and coaches new staff in their initial months with Agapé.