Project Timeline
Autumn 2023
Sunday November 19th was a Gift Day for the project with the target of raising £70000 to enable the work to continue beyond the end of Phase 1 (walls, roof, waterproof, secure). On Sunday 19th the Gift Day total stood at £76320.
November 9th - just like He promised ...
October - roof going on
September-October - taking shape
September - site cleared and ready
gust 30th - work started
Summer 2023
September 4th - building work starts.
September 3rd - special services to launch the building work.
August 29th - Mayway Construction move on-site to prepare.
The Diocese granted the necessary Faculty to allow the annexe to be built.
Spring 2023 In February the PCC agreed to appoint Mayway Construction to take the project forward. Mayway Construction has taken the annexe design that we already have, and developed it to fit into their own ‘design and build’ workflow.
Summer 2022: The original contractor hit some difficulties which introduced a significant delay (12 months!) into the process. They have indicated in June 2022 that they are still interested in our project and feel a sense of responsibility to see it through, however they are not yet in a position give us a time-frame or cost-estimate. We have met with another contractor who has considerable experience of working with churches on building projects. They have undertaken to look at the plans that we already have with a view to making a proposal later this year on how they might work with us.
January/February 2020: Rising costs have meant that the original concept has been revisited and an alternative design has emerged. The main feature of the new idea is that we should build an annexe rather than an extension. One of the attractions of this idea is that as it is a "new build" rather than an extension to an existing one, parts of it could be VAT-exempt, which would make a significant reduction on the overall cost. This is being investigated more fully by the PCC, the Staff Team, and the Building Project Group. It looks promising ... and we still aim to start this year!
November/December 2019: Detailed QS estimates prompt a long hard look at the affordability of the designs, the proposals, and the original vision. At the same time, a new possibility for delivering the full original vision is introduced and is being investigated.
June 2019: revised plans presented to the church at all three services on Sunday 16th and the PCC on Monday 17th.
April 2019: possible revisions to the plans announced and discussed at the APCM - more details here. Listen to Rob's report.
March 2019: meeting with the architect to explore how the project might be modified to make it affordable.
December 2018 - March 2019: PCC spends much time in prayer, listening and discussion because the project costs have risen alarmingly.
December 2018: Gift Day 1 total tops
October 2018: Gift Day 1 takes place
on and around 28th October
July 2018: PCC and Project Group announces Sunday 28th October as
Gift Day 1
March 2018: HMRC makes the first return of tax on money that has been "gift-aided
February 2018: PCC commissions the architect to start work on the technical drawings - the detailed plans that a contractor can work from when work starts.
December 16th: Pearl Celebration - our current building has been open for 30 years so it seemed a good time for a celebration of the past and future plans for the church of Christ the King.
October 26th: Full planning application submitted to Kettering Borough Council.
October 21st: Display presented at Light in the Dark for over 1000 visitors from the local community.
September 17th: Project update presentation, and Standing Order/Gift Aid guidance forms available. They can be downloaded from here - please follow the instructions and return the completed forms to the project treasurer.
September 2017: full planning application under preparation to be submitted this month.
August 2017: Pre-planning application submitted - response "we don't foresee any issues"
July 2nd 2017: fundraising launch to the whole church family. Pledges from PCC members total £149, 000!
June 2017: The PCC decided to give a lead by making prayerful pledges in advance of the fundraising launch to the congregation.
June 2017: The process of seeking Planning Permission from the Local Authority begun.
May 2017: Open-invitation building project workshops held to follow up the project launch.
April 2017: Significant words of prophecy given to Rob Bewley from Simon Braker: Learning to Hear God's Voice Conference at CtK on 29th April 2017 (the same week as the project launch).
April 2017: Project launched to the whole church family at the APCM.
March 2017: Initial architect plans agreed by the PCC.
January 2017: PCC agrees Terms of Reference under which the Building Project Group will operate
December 2016: Statement of Needs
document submitted to the Diocesan Advisory Committee of Peterborough Diocese
September 2016: Building Project Group and Staff Team meet with consultant to discuss funding the project
July 2016: Initial plans reviewed and endorsed by PCC
February 2016: Building Project Group established. The group comprises: Kate Exall, Mike Tatton, Carole Smith (Warden), Andy Stilwell (Staff Team), Steve Atkins (Project Treasurer), Greg Hayes (Project Manager), Laura Burdett-Munns (from May 2019) Steve Dodman (Project Group Chair).
January 2016: PCC meets with architect to establish broad principles and direction for the project.
Late 2015: PCC undertakes initial consultations with architectural and church building consultants
November 2014: CtK Needs Assessment undertaken by PCC (Mike Oxford)
Steve Dodman, 12/02/2019